Message from the Director

Dear Student,

Welcome to Skaka International School. The beginning of each school year is an opportunity to reflect upon personal goals and expectations. It is my hope that you will work toward and achieve your highest potential in all your endeavors. We look forward to assisting you in fulfilling your educational goals. Knowing the content of this student handbook will be a start to the cooperation and communication necessary for academic success. I am excited to begin another school year. I wish you the best for a happy and successful school year and encourage you to give your best effort to everything you do.


Dear Parent,

At Skaka International School. we believe that parents are of great importance. Before your children came to school you taught them to walk, talk, play, and look after themselves. You taught them by example, encouragement, and instruction, as well as by doing things together. Being part of Skaka International School Community presents an exciting, challenging, and rewarding time for all. We strongly support and encourage your participation, as it is well recognized that the degree of interest, interaction, and co-operation between family and school is extremely important in the development of children's full potential at school

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